I love you my beautiful Mum &
oh how with the whole of my heart, body & soul i so very much miss you.
My love is always and forever yours my angel - xxxx Cath xxxx
9th September 2021
'Whispering ripples gently gushing a pre dawning inky blue,
Gently embracing inviting and welcoming the earthy ashes of you……'
So now my beautiful Mum you are truly set free,
Making your way to the brilliance and awe of your sea.
Subtle singing hymn of a small bird’s chorus cascades through the air,
Nature is soundly reassuring you that you are safe in her care.
As the daylight begins to break a butterfly flutters velvet soft wings,
Your spirit now placed with God the King of all Kings.
The shadows reside as you drift downstream from sight,
The river reflecting your brilliance and shining your light.
Go travel beautiful Mum let yourself be safe and be free,
Let the ebb and the flow take you to wherever you wish to be.
We parted early this morning in body and now whenever I picture the pure love that we shared,
I know that a smile will naturally form in remembrance of how much for each other we cared.
You are now part of an invisible universe watching over to protect and to guide,
I know implicitly with full faith that your aura will forever and ever be right by my side.
'You were baptised with water when your faith did commence, now flow with the water for eternity in pure love and peace.'
My love forever with you my beautiful Mum,
Cath xxxxx
25th August 2021
Among a trillion stars yours is now the brightest star that lights the sky,
And you are now the wind beneath the elegant red kite soaring graceful and high…………..
Yours were the first eyes that I did see,
Deep pools of crystal blue sparkling down upon me.
I knew then within my heart from that moment of my birth,
That I was born of an angel that walked upon earth.
Those beautiful eyes have since watched lovingly over me throughout my life,
Guiding me along the moral path and teaching me wrong from right.
We spent special times together and you shared and passed on all that you knew,
The pure love that you gave was unconditional and true.
You were tranquil in your manner and so very full of grace,
Beauty radiated from within you to light up your eyes and face.
Graceful was your aura oozing strength and courage with ease,
Just being in your presence brought tranquillity and peace.
For all that you endured I never once saw you cry in dismay or even frown,
For you had implicit trust in God and knew that he would never ever let you down.
You are my inspiration and my purpose for trying to do my best each and every single day,
If ever I hesitate or feel fear, I just remember that you are holding my hand along the way.
But now God has decided that your work here upon earth is done,
So he has called you back home to the place that you belong.
There really are no words to express what you mean to me,
I just pray that the love I have for you is something you can feel.
So on this your special day I simply thank you for being my mum with the whole of my soul and heart,
And I wish for you to always know that my love for you grows ever strong and it will never ever depart.
Good night god bless my angel, sleep well.
Always and forever yours, Cath xxx
24th August 2021